My name is Christopher Jones. I am a native of Atlanta, Georgia. I’m a freshman at Morehouse College studying Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. I am a member of the Morehouse College Freshman Protégé Program, Emory University’s Goizueta Black MBA Mentorship Program, and the Morehouse College Investment & Finance Club. I also had the opportunity in the summer of 2019 to be a counselor at Camp Pow”HER”ful Summer Program, a camp designed for rising 2nd – 4th grade girls to build self confidence through fun and educational activities. Through helping organize events for the children and assist them everyday tasks , we taught young women valuable leadership & team building skills. I am so excited to be working for Memunatu and cannot wait to make a difference and empower more women!
2024-2025 Issue Reveal
This International Day of the Girl, we are thrilled to unveil the theme of our upcoming issue! “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The 2024-2025 Career