Hello! My name is Arianne Noorestani and I will be an Editorial Intern for Memunatu this summer. I am currently an Environmental Studies major at The George Washington University. At GW, I am one of the program directors for the South Asian Society and a staff writer for The Hatchet. Off campus, you can usually find me at an art museum or sipping coffee at Baked and Wired. In the future, I hope to focus my career on sustainable development and conservation in Africa. By working with the Memunatu team, I aim to expand my knowledge on the challenges faced by girls in West Africa. Most importantly, I want to empower these young women so that together we can make a positive difference in the world.
2024-2025 Issue Reveal
This International Day of the Girl, we are thrilled to unveil the theme of our upcoming issue! “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The 2024-2025 Career