Dreams to Reality Contributor: Girls Empowerment Summit in Sierra Leone

This blog post is part of a series to highlight contributors for our upcoming issue: Dreams to Reality.

What does it feel like to come up with an innovative idea and see it brought to life within your community?

In our upcoming Dreams to Reality issue, we feature reflections from girls who have taken part in the Girls Empowerment Summit in Sierra Leone (GESSL) and started a unique project in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Here is more about GESSL:

Founded in 2012, GESSL works to engage and empower girls from the age of 12-17 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. This women-led organization focuses on providing year-round opportunities for girls to gain skills through workshops and community development projects. They also hold an annual summit where young women and mentors can share ideas, and learn from one another.

We are very excited for our readers to hear from the girls themselves in the Dreams to Reality issue! Here is one of the student reflections:

“…this project teaches girls self independence, self reliance and self determination. It helps me socialize with my peers and in the process push for a cleaner and healthier environment. It gives me confidence in myself and the actions I am taking. I can contribute to this project because I love coming up and working on ideas that help young girls…” Fatmata, 14 Project Co-lead.

To learn more about the project, check out the Dreams to Reality issue.

Arissa Morrell

Memunatu Development Intern


On Key

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