Happy 2022! We hope you had a fun and restful holiday season. At Memunatu Magazine, we are celebrating the new year with a new call for submissions, especially for students!
Memunatu Magazine Yearbook
Calling all students & schools:
- Do you have a project or accomplishments you are proud of?
- A school club or activity you’ve joined?
- Something interesting happening in your community that others should know about?
Share it with Memunatu Magazine!
Memunatu Magazine is a non-profit media organization that celebrates adolescent girls in Africa and the Diaspora.
We are looking for stories to include in Memunatu Magazine’s yearbook edition. Share updates, activities, events, and stories that represent the school year– things that happened between August 2021 and now.
We welcome a variety of submissions: written (essays, posts, poems, short stories) and visual (photos, drawings).
To submit your story, please include the following in an email to info@memunatumagazine.com with the subject line “Yearbook Submission”:
1) Your Name
2) Age
3) Country
4) Story (up to 300 words)
For visual submissions, please include a description of the story in the email and add your submission as an attachment.
5) Photo of the story (the highest resolution/ quality possible along with mention of who is in the photo).
6) Name and contact information of your Student Sponsor (this is a teacher from your school or program manager from a related organization).
Alternatively, if you or your Student sponsor are public on social media (Twitter or Instagram), tag @MemunatuMag #yearbookAfrica for us to review your story. We can then follow up with you on the details.
To be considered, all submissions should be received by 11:59pm EST on 31 January 2022.
Guidelines as well as the official terms and conditions can be found here: https://memunatumagazine.com/call-for-submissions/