
Good Writing is Like a Good Friend

Before I learned about Memunatu, I had (and of course still do) a blinding admiration for women’s fashion magazines. A combination of two of my favorite hobbies, writing and fashion, …

Indiegogo Campaign LIVE!

Join the Indiegogo campaign to bring Memunatu Magazine to girls in West Africa! Our goal $30K for an Ebola issue. Contribute here: and check out our video:    

Lessons in Nairobi

Morning commutes in Nairobi, Kenya are always an adventure. Actually, getting anywhere in Nairobi can be an ordeal. In a city with some of the world’s most congested traffic and …

Welcome to the Team: Eleni

Name: Eleni Skoutakis School/Major: American University: Public Communications Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Book in MS/HS: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series Favorite Class in MS/HS: English and Art History …

Welcome to the Team: Steven

Intern Fall 2014 Name: Steven Murphy School/Major: American University: Broadcast Journalism and International Relations Favorite Color: Green Fav. Book MS/HS: The Sun Also Rises by Earnest Hemingway Professional Aspirations: I hope to become a backpack journalist and visit different …

Memunatu in DC

Memunatu Magazine is now a member of 1776 incubator in DC! Look out for updates as we work on our inaugural issue in the nation’s capital.