
Bridging the Education Gap

What is one of the most effective tools we can use to empower others? Education! I firmly believe that through increased access to education, people can become unstoppable on their …

New Outlook

When I first became involved with Breast Cancer Outreach at Georgetown University, I had no idea what to expect. I had participated in breast cancer fundraisers and events throughout high …

Student Ambassador Collaboration: GIWPS

A big part of Memunatu is student leadership.  We’ve designed the student ambassador program to provide girls with leadership opportunities in their schools. As ambassadors, these girls run focus groups …

Welcome to the Team: Taylor

Hello! My name is Taylor, and I am a junior at Georgetown University. I am majoring in History, with regional concentrations in Africa and the U.S., and I plan to …

Welcome to the Team: Arissa

Hi! My name is Arissa Morrell and I am a senior at George Washington University majoring in International Affairs with a regional concentration on Africa and a minor in Sociology. …

Welcome to the Team: Trishula

Coming from Zimbabwe, girls education has always been important to me. While I had the opportunity to attend a private school, not all Zimbabwean girls had the opportunities I did. …