At Memunatu, we strive to provide the best content for our readers. But where do we begin? What will our Memunatu girls want to read? Which stories will they best respond to? We want to engage our readers to take an active role in their education and great communities while remembering to revel in their girlhood. Being a girl is powerful, and we want to channel that energy in our publication. For our inaugural issue, we have been working with a fantastic graphic designer who has translated our vision through bright colors, dynamic fonts, and youthful graphics. We are also very lucky to have our intern Samuel Kamara who travels within Sierra Leone to provide pictures and videos, serving as a key connection to our readers.
In creating content, we look for and write articles that will add both educational and practical value to our readers. Our main areas of focus are the following: trends(recreational from fashion to current events), health, skill building, finance, suggested reading, activities (pointed toward engaging the girls with the specific publication), and a feature of girl and woman role models. We want pieces that engage our girls! For our Ebola issue, we have incorporated social media components to see which pages have the most traction with our readers.
Putting every issue together requires a strong team! The graphics, the content, monitoring and evaluating—all of these components come together thanks to the hard work of our interns, volunteers, and other partners! Want to be a part of our team? Learn about our summer internship positions here!
We are excited to continue to work together to create more issues. Thank you for taking this journey with us and being on the greater Memunatu team!
Memunatu Love,
Martha Lee
(Marketing Manager)